After an indeterminate amount of time, Walter decided that enough was enough and he decided to leave Ganglands High...(okay, 'they' kicked him out). He was fortunate enough to land himself a prime position at Snootyville College and proceeded to demonstrate his high standard of librarianship. Trouble was, the powers that be (whoever they are) decided to import a shifty character from Redneckville. This administrative guru insisted on wearing a grey belted jacket in absolutely all weathers from which, Walter was sure, he could produce several hundred dodgy watches and a portable market table. This new recruit had a particular penchant for assuring at all costs that Snootyville College was economically viable. To keep his position as Lord of the Library, Walter was told he'd have to experiment. "What with?" yelped Walter. He only had a wizened old whiteboard marker and two rusty drawing pins at his disposal. "I want this library to run like Ussain Bolt on speed. Bring out all the big guns" blustered the new, but very important, recruit. "I haven't got any big guns" trembled Walter. "Well, we'll see what I've got under my coat" bellowed the new (but very, very important) recruit.
Does the recruit have big guns under his coat? Is Walter capable of harnessing all the speed he can muster? Stay tuned for more episodes of W.T.W.T.L.